Conservative Talk Radio: Is Saying Something Just for the SHOCK Value Irresponsible Radio, Freedom of Speech or Both? Your Thoughts? Here Are Mine…
The right of free speech is perhaps the most cherished of the rights spelled out in our Constitution. Yet, as many are prone to forget, with rights come responsibilities, and in many instances the current cadre of conservative radio talk show hosts is not living up to those responsibilities. Bill Handel refers to women as, “Dumb Ass Women” while discussing Kansas’ new abortion law. Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.” Or his statement to one of his callers arguing that black people need to be heard, “They are 12 percent of the population, who the hell cares?” John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou referred to Whitney Houston as a “crack ho”. Don Imus referred to the Rutgers Women’s Basketball team as “Nappy Headed Hos”. Michael Savage bashes children, gays and immigrants. What happened to common respect? When did it become OK to demonize those with whom we disagree?
There is a very thin line between freedom of speech and hate speech. In many cases, talk radio has crossed that line and should be held accountable. We should not support any company that sponsors irresponsible or disrespectful or hateful programming. With all this being said, just because one dislikes what is said ought not to eliminate the process of free speech. Let them die a natural death. Irresponsible talk shows will eventually lose listeners to more credible sources, leading to a loss of sponsorship. Don't call in! Don't turn them on! Protest to advertisers! I see no danger in people exercising their freedom of speech. Talk radio, as far as I can see, reflects the passions of common men and women. Whether we like it or not, it is a barometer of how people feel.
Good Talk Shows stimulate and exercise an intelligent person's mind and can sometimes open the eyes of previously misled people. They stir up interest in public issues. The good talk shows can shed light on social and public concerns. They can make people think about critical issues and problems in our society - and decide where they stand on an issue. I believe that talk radio provides a valuable service with regard to public debate. It gives many people who feel disenfranchised the chance to express their views. Talk shows are a symptom of the disease, not the cause. We have to look elsewhere to change the morality of our society. Shutting down Host like Rush and Beck won't change a thing.
People have to take responsibility for their “Mike”. It’s not just about an apology anymore…it’s about changing a mindset. We Americans are justifiably proud of our constitutionally protected right of free speech - and I doubt that any of us wish to impinge on that right even when some are mocking that great document. That's our legal right, but what about our morality?
Corner Family, What are YOUR Thoughts….
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Monday, March 12, 2012
Friday, March 9, 2012
Cullen's Corner Question of the Day, “Are Boyfriend’s & Girlfriend’s Fair game? Are You Still Considered “Single” Till You Are Married?” Your Thoughts? Here Are Mine...
are in a club, at a party, at a get together or a Greek picnic. You see someone
you are VERY attracted to so to walk up to them and strike up a conversation.
Conversation is great, they are pleasing to the eye, the flirting is off the
chain, they seem to have things going for themselves…At this point you have
already made the decision that you want her number or you want to give him your
number and ask them out for coffee, lunch or dinner so you can get to know them
better but the next words out of their mouth is that they have a
“Boyfriend/Girlfriend”. What do you do or say next? What have you done or said
in the past? I’m sure each and every one of you have come across this
situation. Did you just end the conversation and walk away or did you think to
yourself, “He/She ain’t here with you now!” or “They aren’t married so you
snooze you lose!”
does being a boyfriend or girlfriend REALLY mean these days? Do they still say
Boyfriend or Girlfriend? If not, what do you call it? Does it mean that you are
exclusive or dating and a free agent? Does a non-married relationship have the
same kind of binding power that a married relationship have? Should the term
“Cheating” only refer to extra-marital affairs because if you aren’t married,
who are you “Cheating” on? Some feel to use the term “Cheating” is a little
extreme if you're not bound to each other by marriage. If you’re not monogamous
then what constitutes cheating? Some fill that until you “Put a Ring on Her
Finger” and walk down that aisle that you both are still free agents, single
and fair game! Is it always easier to steal a dude's girlfriend, a Chick’s
boyfriend, than it is to keep your own?
you were to get into a “Relationship” with someone should you want to make it
clear that you don't do open relationships and if they want to be with you,
then it's only with you? Please note and this is VERY important, just because
one has had sex with someone does not necessarily mean they are now "a
couple". Perhaps instead of 'asking' a guy/girl if they want to be
exclusive, you should determine first if YOU do! Maybe state such on your
my experience, failed relationships are almost never just one person’s fault,
but rather the result of breakdowns in or the complete absence of
communication. If both people know what they want and can clearly and concisely
relay that information to their partner, things will to go much more smoothly.
my advice?
1: Determine if exclusivity is what you want.
2: Make sure to let dates/potential Boyfriend’s/Girlfriend’s (or whatever you
want to call it) know what it is, precisely, you want.
3: If someone cannot, or will not, provide what it is you seek, END IT! Let
them know that you are ENDING it, and move on!
you want a relationship to have sex, you should say so. If you want the
relationship to be exclusive you should say so. If you want the sex to be
exclusive you should say so.
Corner & LLB Family…What are YOUR Thoughts….
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Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Join Cullen's Corner Radio Show Hot Topics with Cullen and the Corner Crew (Yvette Berry, Winnie Phillips, Lamont L. Belton, Nakia Thomas & Dee Page) TONIGHT at 9:00cst as they discuss this week's hot topics!
Join Cullen's Corner Radio Show Hot Topics with Cullen and the Corner Crew (Yvette Berry, Winnie Phillips, Lamont L. Belton, Nakia Thomas & Dee Page) TONIGHT at 9:00cst as they discuss this week's hot topics!
1. Cullen's Corner Letter of the Day, Dear Corner, How Do I Handle My Daughter Coming Out? Is She Sexually Confused?
2. Are Blacks Prejudice Against Their Own Race?
3. Winnie Phillips asks, Are you still celibate if you're engaging in every form of sexual activity except intercourse? What is your definition of sex and celibacy?
Here is how you can join the LIVE conversation:
Call into the show using this number (323) 679-0814. The operator will see you and announce your area code and number and you can comment at any time. You can go to the Cullen's Corner Radio Show Facebook page, "Like" us there and post your comments on the wall and we will read them on the air or you can also email us at and we will read your emails as well!!
Please Mute your phone until you are ready to speak to prevent background noise. Your mic will be live when you are ready to respond by saying your name and where you are from. Have your say about the topic being discussed.
Follow us on Twitter:
@Cullens_Corner; @YveKemp ; @chiclifestyles ; @70bluebutterfly; @LBelton; @WGNikki
If you just want to listen live on the computer click on the link below!
1. Cullen's Corner Letter of the Day, Dear Corner, How Do I Handle My Daughter Coming Out? Is She Sexually Confused?
2. Are Blacks Prejudice Against Their Own Race?
3. Winnie Phillips asks, Are you still celibate if you're engaging in every form of sexual activity except intercourse? What is your definition of sex and celibacy?
Here is how you can join the LIVE conversation:
Call into the show using this number (323) 679-0814. The operator will see you and announce your area code and number and you can comment at any time. You can go to the Cullen's Corner Radio Show Facebook page, "Like" us there and post your comments on the wall and we will read them on the air or you can also email us at and we will read your emails as well!!
Please Mute your phone until you are ready to speak to prevent background noise. Your mic will be live when you are ready to respond by saying your name and where you are from. Have your say about the topic being discussed.
Follow us on Twitter:
@Cullens_Corner; @YveKemp ; @chiclifestyles ; @70bluebutterfly; @LBelton; @WGNikki
If you just want to listen live on the computer click on the link below!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Winnie Phillips asks, Are you still celibate if you're engaging in every form of sexual activity except intercourse? What is your definition of sex and celibacy? What are your thoughts? Here's Her's
Picture this Family:
Two people kissing, touching and tasting all over each others bodies. Now imagine that this has been going on for at least an hour. Then one of them say's "stop" (it doesn't matter who). They both stop and nothing more happens because they both agreed not to have sex until they were both ready (or married). They just say "I love you" and hold each other until morning. I know what you're thinking. If they're doing all that then they may as well go all the way and not hold back.
My question to you is this:
Would you be able to handle it if your girlfriend/boyfriend said that she/he wanted to wait to have sex, but was willing to do other things to please you? Or, would not having sex within the relationship be reason enough for you to bounce? Or, would you just get sex somewhere else and not tell your girlfriend/boyfriend? HMMMMMM...... If it were me, I would be alright with being pleased in other ways and would wait until we were both ready to have sex even if that meant waiting until we were married.
Let's define what sex and celibacy means. The dictionary defines sexual intercourse as: 1) Heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis. 2) Intercourse (as anal or oral intercourse) that doesn't involve the penetration of the vagina by the penis. The dictionary definition of celibacy is 1) The state of being not married. 2a) abstention from sexual intercourse. b) abstention by vow from marriage.
Yes, there are different forms of sexual activity such as fellatio, cunnilingus and mutual masturbation. However, from my point of view, all of that is just affection and foreplay that is not followed by intercourse. From my perspective, if there is no penetration then it's not sex and you're still celibate.
Many will probably disagree with this and say that any form sexual behavior is sex and that you're not celibate. And, that's okay because everyone defines sex differently. A very public example is the President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky scandal. To quote President Clinton, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Well, something happened because the evidence was all over her blue dress. To me this situation was more about infidelity...
THAT'S What Winnie Said!
What Are Your Thoughts Corner Family....
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Monday, March 5, 2012
Cullen's Corner Letter of the Day,"Dear Corner, How Do I Handle My Daughter “Coming Out”? Is She Sexually Confused?”
Corner Family, I need your help. This
weekend my 17 year old daughter informed me that she thinks that she is gay and
has been dating both boys and girls without our knowledge for the past year.
She says that she wants to get married and have kids one day but right now she
wants to explore the attraction that she has with girls. To say that I was
caught off guard would be putting it lightly. I assured her there is nothing
that she could do to lose our love and support, and after listening to her
explanations, I honestly think that this is a phase that she going through.
Here is our dilemma; her father is
very conservative and I don’t think that He will react favorably to hearing
this news. We are also very active in our church. Our daughter sings in the
choir and volunteers with the children’s church. She wants permission to bring
whoever she is dating home and to family functions the same way that her older
sister and brother are allowed to do, but I am torn about whether or not we
should even consider this because I feel that this is just a phase.
Corner, I would never in a million
years have imagined that I would be in this torn up about it considering that
we have many homosexual friends and have always been very supportive of them
personally and legislatively. I am embarrassed that this is such a big deal to
me but this is our daughter, my baby girl, and I never imagined that she would choose
this for herself.
How do I handle this revelation,
Corner? Should I tell her to keep her sexual proclivities private until she is
clear about whether she wants to be with men or women? Should we even tell her
father even though he will be crushed? Should we allow her to bring her friend
who is a “stud” to our home and around our friends? I do not want to mishandle
this nor risk making our child feel unloved or unsupported. Please help us.
Signed: What Should I Say…What Should
I Do..
Dear “What Should I Do…What Should I
Nothing is unhealthier for you and your
daughter than denial and avoidance. No
matter how hard it may be to talk about it, you must talk about it. One of the
worst things you can do is question them about her conclusion or tell her that
that she is wrong or it is a “Faze”. If they are gay they have felt this all
along. You have no idea how long your own child has been asking herself this
question. If she has finally told you, it is because she feels that she is no
longer confused. She has finally come to an uncomfortable, but profound
understanding of her sexual identity. She is not stupid. She knows the shame
and rejection she will face from society and especially her father. She knows
what the church says about homosexuality. Nobody risks banishment, humiliation,
and even physical harm to express mere confusion. It is the inescapable
certainty that has brought her to the point of risking everything by telling
you her "shameful" secret.
When it comes to sexual orientation, you
can rebuke and reproach it; you can revile and refute it; you can resist and
repent of it; but you can't reverse it. It is there to stay. So what do you
say? “I love you”, “You’re still my child”, “I’ll be right by your side”, “How can I help you in this?”, “What do you need from me?” These are all
honest affirmations that you can respond with to your daughter. Basically, you want to let her know two things:
you love her and you’re here if she needs you. You just need to show her that
you love her regardless of her sexual orientation. That she can always come
home and that it is a safe haven to be if she needs it. At times, for many
people all they see is a gay person. For you, and your husband, all you should
still see is your daughter.
PFLAG ( can help parents
through to acceptance. Check their site for a chapter near you. Love is the best remedy regardless of gender,
race or religious affiliation. Gender, Race, Religion, Choice and Willfulness
have nothing to do with who does and does not become homosexual. Those who are
gay have no more choice over their sexual preferences than those who are
What Are YOUR Thoughts Corner Family….
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Thursday, March 1, 2012
Ta’Keisha Violet Ryan is asking the Cullen’s Corner Question of the Day, “Is the institution of marriage dying?” Your Thoughts? Here’s ours…
More often than not I’m hearing horror stories about people I thought were happily married. People got married then found out the husband/wife was cheating. They caught an STD from the husband/wife. They’re getting divorced after a year of marriage. What’s going on? Are people not taking marriage seriously? Are they getting married just because they want to have a wedding? Are they falling out of love? Are they doing it for the sake of the children? Is it best to not get married at all and just date for the rest of your life? Does happily ever after really exist? Maybe someone that has gone through this can shed a little light on the situation.
**Now I know every marriage doesn’t have these problems nor end in divorce. I'm asking about those that do. I posted this topic in my status about a month ago and received a lot of feedback from both sides.**
What do you think Cullen and Corner Family?
Great Question Tootie! I believe in marriage and all it stands for. I also believe for far too many believe that marriages are disposable. Some treat marriage like they are dating and as soon as they get tired they get out. It’s amazing how marriage seems to work so easily for some couples yet can be a disaster for others.
If statistics show that marriage as an institution is dying we have to realize that statistics do not always reflect the true picture. If, for instance, the failure rate is set at 1 in 3 than the other side of the picture is that 2 in 3 marriages work. We then have to add the number of cohabiting, unrecorded relationships that are happy and enduring and which are a marriage in every sense of the word.
I believe that Marriage is a sacrament first and an institution recognized by the government for legal purposes second. Marriage will never die out in that sense. However, the declining number of marriages is due to the powerful hold of popular culture on modern society. It is projected that being unmarried is more convenient and less limiting, allowing for the more carefree lifestyle that pop culture promotes.
Marriage today is definitely not the same as it was 10...20...30 years ago. People don't fight because they treat their marriages like they treat any regular relationship. I say just because it doesn't work for others..or just because it didn't work for you the first time doesn't mean that marriage can't work in today's society!! I believe in the institution of Marriage and it is definitely NOT dying. Marriage may be a struggle and it may be work, but love is easy if it's true!
Corner Family...What Are YOUR Thoughts....
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