
Monday, March 12, 2012

Conservative Talk Radio: Is Saying Something Just for the SHOCK Value Irresponsible Radio, Freedom of Speech or Both? Your Thoughts? Here Are Mine…

Conservative Talk Radio: Is Saying Something Just for the SHOCK Value Irresponsible Radio, Freedom of Speech or Both? Your Thoughts? Here Are Mine…

The right of free speech is perhaps the most cherished of the rights spelled out in our Constitution. Yet, as many are prone to forget, with rights come responsibilities, and in many instances the current cadre of conservative radio talk show hosts is not living up to those responsibilities. Bill Handel refers to women as, “Dumb Ass Women” while discussing Kansas’ new abortion law.  Rush Limbaugh called Georgetown law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and a “prostitute.” Or his statement to one of his callers arguing that black people need to be heard, “They are 12 percent of the population, who the hell cares?” John Kobylt and Ken Chiampou referred to Whitney Houston as a “crack ho”.  Don Imus referred to the Rutgers Women’s Basketball team as “Nappy Headed Hos”. Michael Savage bashes children, gays and immigrants. What happened to common respect? When did it become OK to demonize those with whom we disagree?

There is a very thin line between freedom of speech and hate speech. In many cases, talk radio has crossed that line and should be held accountable. We should not support any company that sponsors irresponsible or disrespectful or hateful programming. With all this being said, just because one dislikes what is said ought not to eliminate the process of free speech. Let them die a natural death. Irresponsible talk shows will eventually lose listeners to more credible sources, leading to a loss of sponsorship. Don't call in! Don't turn them on! Protest to advertisers! I see no danger in people exercising their freedom of speech. Talk radio, as far as I can see, reflects the passions of common men and women. Whether we like it or not, it is a barometer of how people feel.

Good Talk Shows stimulate and exercise an intelligent person's mind and can sometimes open the eyes of previously misled people. They stir up interest in public issues. The good talk shows can shed light on social and public concerns. They can make people think about critical issues and problems in our society - and decide where they stand on an issue. I believe that talk radio provides a valuable service with regard to public debate. It gives many people who feel disenfranchised the chance to express their views. Talk shows are a symptom of the disease, not the cause. We have to look elsewhere to change the morality of our society. Shutting down Host like Rush and Beck won't change a thing.

People have to take responsibility for their “Mike”. It’s not just about an apology anymore…it’s about changing a mindset. We Americans are justifiably proud of our constitutionally protected right of free speech - and I doubt that any of us wish to impinge on that right even when some are mocking that great document. That's our legal right, but what about our morality?

Corner Family, What are YOUR Thoughts….

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