Monday, February 13, 2012
Dear Corner Letter of the Day, "Valentine's Day Advice from a Mistress?" Let's Hear What She Has To Say and Give Your Thoughts...
Hello Cullen’s Corner,
I just wanted to drop you a quick line and give you and your “Listeners” a little Valentine’s Day advice from your favorite Mistress!!
Affairs and cheating always comes to an ugly head this time of year. Did you know that your men will spend more money on their mistresses than their own wives? Make sense right? After all, we can blow up his life if he doesn’t take care of us. What good is he if he isn’t spending money and sexing us up? If your man gives you the best sex and Valentine’s Day that you ever had it is only because his I got him hot and ready for you before the BIG DAY!! LOL!!
Here are some Mistress Day tips fellas and remember, you only have a 3 day window to make your mistress happy and in turn make your wife happy! Most of us prefer you get with us before Valentine’s Day rather than after so make sure to spend time with us the day before and make sure she understands that you want to shower her with gifts and attention. The gift you get her will speak volumes. You know your mistress, so don’t discount her wants and needs!
I can’t overstate this enough but be very discreet with your purchases fellas. Make sure when you send your mistress flowers that it actually goes to HER and NOT your wife! Your wife is not stupid and one slip up and you will lose your mistress forever because we are not trying to get in a war between you and your wife. We don’t need your emotionally starved, needy wife trying to contact us and messing up a good thing for you. A REAL man knows how to keep his mistress happy and still get home to his loving, unsuspecting wife. You get what you want and that is great sex and we get what we want and that is anything we want from you! Stop keeping your receipts lying around or in your pocket. Matter a fact just throw the receipts away! Don’t be an idiot and use your wife’s joint credit or debit card. You just need to know how
Why are you women so surprised when you find out your man is having an affair, have you ever thought of the reason for his doing so. Usually it’s because you’ve become boring, the sex you used to have is just a dream. Don’t be silly. Why don’t you women try a little harder? Just because you are married does not mean your job is done. Most men have a mistress on the side anyway so why fight it?
Remember ladies, especially you ladies of the Corner, every man has at least one source of validation in his life outside of his significant other that reminds him of how attractive, funny, unique and sexy he is. If you did this like I do for him then you will never have to worry about your man straying. But you are so consumed with everything else you forget that your man has needs that need to be catered too as well and if you don’t do it I will be more than happy to take care of him for you! Hey Lamont…Hurry up and get married and you may just have a chance!! Hey Cullen…Wink…Wink…
Happy Valentine’s Day and remember, if I make him happy you will be happier in the end!!
The Mistress
Response From Yvette
Dear Mistress,
I hate to be the one to burst you bubble but you are not having much spent on you at all. Sadly you still believe that you are the one that he truly wants and will go to great lengths to be with. But it looks like he is going to great lengths to keep you around as a fluffer and nothing else. If all it takes to keep the little monkey happy are trinkets and things that are shiny girl you have a lot of growing within yourself to do.
I am surprised that you the woman that stated in an earlier email to us at the Corner that you didn’t really want the husband, you just wanted to keep him fine tuned for the wife at home. If that is so why bother with tips about Valentine’s Day? Why bother with gifts and other things to keep you quiet? That should not be anything you should be concerned with but evidently deep down you are. This whole keeping your mouth closed by buying you gifts deal how childish and impish is that? Sadly you believe that he gives a care about you and where you are in his life. HE DOES NOT hence the title SIDE CHICK, HOE or WHORE, BOOTY CALL, shall I go on.
Let me clarify something for you my dear. When he is done with you ,,,he goes home to the house he shares with his wife, where he pays bills and car notes and buys everything in that house. And what do you brag about in this email? SOME TRINKETS? GIRL PLEASE GET IT TOGETHA....he is spending money where it matters at HOME.
Run tell that and see how fast you will be alone ...well kind of like you are now ALONE, after he has dumped himself off on you, he gets to go home to wifey and all is ok. Silly rabbit tricks are for kids and you just got tricked.
In the end you need to back off and seek within yourself what it is that you really desire out of life. Not just this ridiculous dream you have that you remain young and firm and in control. According to this email you are not any of the above. Let me say this as a former mistress I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT eventually my dear YOU LOSE
That’s What Yvette had to say! Corner Family, What are YOUR Thoughts…
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Dear Mistress,
ReplyDeleteYour desperate need for attention never ceases to amaze me. At least you're predictable. Responding to your letter probably feeds your need for attention. Well anyhoo. Back to what I wanted to really say. I actually feel sorry for you. You are so broken on the inside. You use sex and men as a way to chase the pain the way pain. But, it always comes back to rear its ugly head doesn't it? No amount of trinkets or orgasms really heals that. It's a temporary fix. I bet you are on cloud 9 when these men are with you. But as soon as they leave you fall into the deepest darkest depression. That is until they come back around to give you your next fix. Then the vicious cycle repeats itself. It's kind of like a drug addiction isn't it?
Aren't you tired of living your life on repeat? Don't you want move on to the next song of your life? Being mistress won't last forever. Eventually all the men will tire of you. They will realize what's really important; their wives and their families. When they do you will be nothing more than an ugly memory and place of regret in their lives. That is so very sad. Who would willingly choose this kind of existence? What's your next plan? What is the next phase of your life? You could always be a high priced call girl. That way at least you can earn living doing what you do best and still satisfy your need for attention and trinkets. It's really a bonus and an upgrade when you think about it.
You say that you’re perfectly happy, but we both know that's not true don't we? If you can't admit to anyone else that you’re unhappy, at least be honest with yourself. I'm willing to bet that you can't even do that because you've believed your own lies so much and for so long that you can't find the truth within yourself. Maybe you can, but the truth is too ugly for you to face.
Oh, by the way, I am I licensed psychotherapist. I can probably help you sort out and resolve your issues. Send me an email through Cullen's Corner when you're ready to deal with yourself. I’d be more than happy to help you.
Dear Mistress,
ReplyDeleteYour desperate need for attention never ceases to amaze me. At least you're predictable. Responding to your letter probably feeds your need for attention. Well anyhoo. Back to what I wanted to really say. I actually feel sorry for you. You are so broken on the inside. You use sex and men as a way to chase the pain the way pain. But, it always comes back to rear its ugly head doesn't it? No amount of trinkets or orgasms really heals that. It's a temporary fix. I bet you are on cloud 9 when these men are with you. But as soon as they leave you fall into the deepest darkest depression. That is until they come back around to give you your next fix. Then the vicious cycle repeats itself. It's kind of like a drug addiction isn't it?
Aren't you tired of living your life on repeat? Don't you want move on to the next song of your life? Being mistress won't last forever. Eventually all the men will tire of you. They will realize what's really important; their wives and their families. When they do you will be nothing more than an ugly memory and place of regret in their lives. That is so very sad. Who would willingly choose this kind of existence? What's your next plan? What is the next phase of your life? You could always be a high priced call girl. That way at least you can earn living doing what you do best and still satisfy your need for attention and trinkets. It's really a bonus and an upgrade when you think about it.
You say that you’re perfectly happy, but we both know that's not true don't we? If you can't admit to anyone else that you’re unhappy, at least be honest with yourself. I'm willing to bet that you can't even do that because you've believed your own lies so much and for so long that you can't find the truth within yourself. Maybe you can, but the truth is too ugly for you to face.
Oh, by the way, I am I licensed psychotherapist. I can probably help you sort out and resolve your issues. Send me an email through Cullen's Corner when you're ready to deal with yourself. I’d be more than happy to help you.