
Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Should you tell your significant other EVERYTHING about your past? Is Honesty REALLY The Best Policy Or What They Don't Know Won't Hurt Them?" your Thoughts...Here's Mine...

Is it important to tell your mate everything? The person you consider your soul-mate, the one your intimate with, that person you can consider marrying or are already married to. Is it wrong to keep secrets from them? Some will say it's important that your significant other know EVERYTHING from your past relationships, old or new friends, or if you cheated while in the relationship. Others say no you shouldn't tell everything about you and some things you should keep to yourself, like embarrassing moments, the number of past intimate partners or maybe things you wish you hadn't done. Is it possible to date a person that has secrets? Is it considered being dishonest?

Is not telling everything about your past considered being dishonest or lying, or are some things in your past no one else's business? A healthy long term relationship (dating or married) should be based on honesty, right? Should you tell or should you keep the skeleton closet door closed. I believe for a relationship to flourish and grow there can't be any secrets. Total Transparency is the key but the real question here is “Can you HANDLE THE TRUTH and do you REALLY want to know?”

We are taught that honestly is the end all and be all but even if we could live up to it do the people in our life really want it? Do they want to hear ever impulse, every frustration. Do they really want to know how many men/women you slept with? Do they want kindness and diplomacy and tact thrown out the window? If not then where does the slippery slope stop? If they tell us they are being 100% honest, are they really? Do we want it? Do we want to know that they wish we were better in bed, that they wish we made more money? That they think we would sleep with our best female friend if given the chance to get away with it. Whatever it is that they secretly think and believe which may or may not be founded in reality. And these are just trivial superficial hypothetical’s I'm bringing up.

And those are just a few possibilities from our significant others. What about our family and friends. Where does honesty start and stop with them?

What are YOUR Thoughts Corner family?

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